Trust down to the Minutiae Next level of trust and precision: detection of impurities in the polymerization process
Analytik Jena Brazil
Founded in
Time zone
UTC -5
The Brazilian branch has gone through phases beginning in 2003, with gaps in between, as Latin American business was overseen from the United States after branch manager Luis Barsotti passed away in 2011. The location was relaunched in 2016 and has been expanded to include a staff of five, with two being added in 2020. The branch is now run from São Paulo and is responsible for all Latin American business, with a focus on Chile, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, and Argentina.
Next level of trust and precision: detection of impurities in the polymerization process
"In our laboratory, the multi EA 5000 is essential for the determination of impurities in samples generated in our pilot unit. We analyze for sulfur, nitrogen, chlorine and total carbon, both in liquid and gaseous samples as well as in solid samples," explained João Paulo Toledo, Senior Technical Chemist at Braskem. Polymerization is a sensitive chemical process that can be disrupted by even traces of impurities of certain chemicals. To monitor it, Braskem, the largest petrochemical company in the Americas and a world leader in the production of biopolymers, now employs Analytik Jena atomic absorption spectrometry.
In January 2020, the Analytik Jena team held a workshop on ele mentary analysis with the multi EA 5000 for members of Braskem’s Process and Quality Control Labora tory. As João Paulo Toledo of LDTP SP Braskem recalled: "Júlio explained some of the applications while we had an opportunity to discuss our experience of this technique that’s so important for our work."
Manufacturers are now working to detect even smaller amounts of impurities. "In the high-tech sector, new technologies are adopted almost simul taneously around the globe. With atomic absorption spectroscopy using contrAA systems, we’re able to help Braskem detect impurities by the part per million. And now, there’s a need to fi nd even lower traces, in the range of parts per billion," Júlio Cezar Paz de Mattos, Analytik Jena’s Regional Manager for South America, explained.
Analytik Jena has proved that it can meet this challenge using ICP-OES technology. "We’ve been able to demonstrate that we can achieve the required accuracy, raising our cooperation to a new level." Analytik Jena has also provided the company with Specord spectrophotometers and TOC analyzers, as well as elemental analyzers to check naphtha, gas, and ethylene for levels of chloride, nitrogen, and sulfur.
To Júlio, the trust on the part of Braskem is a key element in building up a strong business relationship. "We have shown that our technologies fulfi ll their promise and that they can run in industrial processes for years without a hitch."
In Brazil …
... Dr. Bernhard Welz was on hand for Analytik Jena’s beginnings in the country.
Originally from Germany, Welz took a position in 1999 as a visiting professor of chemistry at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Florianópolis. He published work on atomic absorption spectrometry, which he researched together with colleagues from Analytik Jena. As Regional Manager Júlio Cezar Paz de Mattos, who studied with Welz, put it: "He had a great influence on me. I have much to thank him for on my journey to Analytik Jena." In July 2018, Dr. Berhard Welz passed away at the age of 81 in Florianópolis.
... the views from work can be very different.
The entire team in fact still works from home. And while Ladislau Cruz is able to take in a view of São Paulo and Júlio Cezar Paz de Mattos can often hear cars honking, Marilice Rhoden enjoys a postcard look at sea, sand, and palm trees. This could, however, soon come to an end, as a building for the company is now being planned.
In my element
Júlio Cezar Paz de Mattos
Regional Manager, Lateinamerika
Beruflich bin ich in meinem Element …
… wenn ich mein Wissen weitergebe. Ich rede gerne vor Publikum und genieße es, in Kuba oder Venezuela oder anderswo Vorträge über unsere Technologien zu halten.
Privat bin ich in meinem Element …
… mit meinen Pflanzen, wenn ich gärtnere, mit der Natur in Kontakt bin. Ich mag es, wenn ich von Blumen umgeben bin.
Zur Geburtstagsfeier …
… würde ich ein breites Lächeln und eine Umarmung mitbringen. Offen zu sein für andere, ihnen entgegenzukommen – das steckt in unserer DNA. Das versüßt das Leben und macht unser Menschsein aus.
Marilice Roden
Sales Manager, Brasilien
Beruflich bin ich in meinem Element …
… im Zwiegespräch mit unseren Kunden. In Mikrophone rede ich nicht so gerne, aber der persönliche Kontakt liegt mir. Wenn ich unseren Kunden überall in Brasilien vorzeigen kann, was wir anzubieten haben, erfüllt mich das.
Privat bin ich in meinem Element …
… wenn ich mit meinen Hunden am Strand entlangschlendere, der zum Glück unmittelbar vor meiner Haustür liegt.
Zur Geburtstagsfeier …
… würde ich Bossa Nova mitbringen. Diese Art Musik legen wir auf, wenn wir im Freundeskreis in aller Ruhe entspannen – im Unterschied zur Tanzmusik des Sambas.
Ladislau Cruz
Service Manager, Lateinamerika
Beruflich bin ich in meinem Element …
… wenn ich etwas löse. Das tue ich oft aus der Ferne. Für hartnäckige Fälle bin ich ein, zwei Mal im Monat zwischen Mexiko und Uruguay unterwegs.
Privat bin ich in meinem Element …
… ebenfalls wenn ich etwas löse, etwa emotionale Probleme, die ich gerne verstehen möchte, um anderen zu helfen. Zum Beispiel versuche ich, mich in meine zehnjährige Tochter hineinzuversetzen. Und außerdem bringe ich ihr das Kochen bei und unternehme Abenteuer mit ihr. Das macht mich glücklich.
Zur Geburtstagsfeier …
… würde ich Cachaça mitbringen, unser Nationalgetränk, das aus fermentiertem Zuckerrohrsaft hergestellt wird. Das Etikett sollte in gelb und grün gehalten sein, den Farben Brasiliens.
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