Rare earths – Characteristics, Challenges and Opportunities

Mon 6 Feb, 2023

Rare Earths – Characteristics, Challenges and Opportunities

Rare earth elements (REEs) include the chemical elements of the third group of the periodic table: scandium (atomic number 21), yttrium (39), lanthanum (57), and the 14 elements following lanthanum, the lanthanides: Cerium (58), praseodymium (59), neodymium (60), promethium (61), samarium (62), europium (63), gadolinium (64), terbium (65), dysprosium (66), holmium (67), erbium (68), thulium (69), ytterbium (70), and lutetium (71). 

There is a distinction between light and heavy rare earths. The four light rare earths cerium, lanthanum, neodymium and praseodymium account for more than 95% of the rare earth deposits on our planet.

Rare earths – frequently used

The name rare earths dates back to the time when they were first mined, in which it was assumed that the metals in this group were very rare. In fact, as we know today, some of them, such as cerium, occur very frequently. The name earths also goes back to this time, when rare earths could only be extracted as oxides from certain materials. Earths is an old name for oxides.

Fortunately, the occurrence of rare earths is not at all rare, contrary to what their name suggests. After all, they are extremely important raw materials for our modern, high-tech lives. The demand for rare earth elements (REEs) has never been so high, as they are an important resource in the manufacturing of consumer electronics, smartphones, optical displays, illuminants, high-performance magnets and batteries, as well as in catalysis, electric motors, aerospace and medical applications. 

Superpowers for industry

Cerium – Cerium has a wide range of applications: it increases strength and ductility in aluminum alloys, colors glass and enamel; provides the spark in pyrophoric cerium alloys for lighters or gas lighters and is also used in UV filters for special glasses and windshields.

Lanthanum – Lanthanum is used by the glass industry primarily for the production of high-quality camera lenses. It is also found in flints.

Neodymium – initially called didymium (Greek for twin) because of its strong similarity to lanthanum, it is used primarily in the form of the alloy neodymium-iron-boron for strong permanent magnets.

Praseodymium – received its name because of its green coloration (Greek: prásinos, meaning "green") and its similarity to didymium. This made it another twin of the already existing twin pair didymium and lanthanum, which is why didymium was renamed neodymium (new twin). Praseodymium is used in alloys with magnesium to produce high-strength metal for aircraft engines, and in alloys with cobalt and iron as a strong permanent magnet. Like cerium, praseodymium compounds are used in the coloring of glass and enamel (for example, for green-colored headlight lenses). Because praseodymium compounds also improve UV absorption, they are used in the manufacture of eye protection lenses during welding. Praseodymium ion Pr3+ is also used as a dopant for laser media in solid-state lasers.  

Scandium – Named after the home of its discoverer, Lars Frederik Nilson, scandium is one of the rare elements. It does not occur elementally, but only in some rare minerals in enriched form. The use of the actually rare oxide is all the more wide-ranging for it: in high-pressure mercury vapor lamps, which are used for stadium lighting, for example. Together with holmium and dysprosium, scandium produces a light very similar to daylight. Scandium is also used in the production of laser crystals. In magnetic data storage devices, scandium increases speed. 

Terbium – Terbium is used to dope calcium fluoride, calcium tungstate and strontium molybdate for use in solid-state devices. It is also used together with zirconium(IV) oxide for microstructure stabilization in high-temperature fuel cells. Sodium terbium borate is used as a laser material for generating coherent light with a wavelength of 546 nm. Terbium is also added to the green phosphor in picture tubes and fluorescent lamps.

Yttrium – is named after its first place of discovery, the Ytterby mine near Stockholm, as are ytterbium, erbium and terbium. Its applications are vast: yttrium ceramics and alloys are used in lambda probes, superconductors, DS alloys and spark plugs. The oxidic yttrium compounds are used as coating material for incandescent lamps, as laser crystal, as microwave filter as solid electrolyte in fuel cells (SOFC). Yttrium oxides and yttrium oxide sulfides also play an important role in luminophores (phosphors) doped with trivalent europium (red) and thulium (blue) in television picture tubes and fluorescent lamps. By alloying with cobalt YCo5, yttrium can also be used as a rare earth magnet. Last but not least, yttrium is used as a material for heating wires in ion sources of mass spectrometers.

This selection shows how important the rare earths are for us.

Rare earths – special and challenging

The evaluation of potential mining sites as well as process control – mainly with respect to rare earth oxides (REOs) - and quality control of high-purity REEs is therefore of great importance. 

In addition, there is great interest in the geosciences for trace and ultratrace determination of these elements in geology, geochemistry and mineralogy. A group of REEs, for example, serves as a valuable indicator of numerous geological processes such as magma formation and differentiation, and the interaction between hydrothermal fluids and rocks, including the formation of ore deposits. REEs can also reflect redox conditions in magmatic, hydrothermal, or sedimentary systems. In addition, anthropogenic emissions of REEs used in medical or engineering applications are increasingly evident in the natural environment. 

As significant and widespread as they are: Rare earths occur only in aggregates and require complex separation. Moreover, they usually occur only in low concentrations in the numerous earth substances. The challenges involved in their determination and extraction are therefore enormous. For the quantitative as well as qualitative analysis of rare earths, a particularly sensitive and reliable trace analysis method is therefore required. 

Which analysis technology for which application?

Analytik Jena's ICP-OES (optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma) and ICP-MS (mass spectrometry using inductively coupled plasma) technology covers the comprehensive rare earth analysis process in a highly effective and efficient manner. 

Although ICP-MS and ICP-OES provide successful methods for analyzing REEs, they face some challenges: an unfavorable REO formation in the plasma tail and strong spectral interferences due to the large number of emission lines affect the detectability of REEs by ICP-MS or ICP-OES.

Solutions: A high-resolution array ICP-OES, the PlasmaQuant 9100 Elite, to resolve potential spectral interferences and a high-sensitivity ICP-MS solution, the PlasmaQuant MS Elite, with efficient removal of polyatomic interferences.

Interference-free REE analysis using high-resolution ICP-OES.

For the quantification of REEs in geological materials, ICP-OES, is the most suitable analytical routine. However, it is also one of the most challenging: due to the high matrix content of digested samples, which often contain large amounts of e.g. alumina and silica, sulfur and refractory metals, the method requires excellent plasma stability, especially when trace amounts of REEs have to be detected and sample dilution has to be avoided. The large number of emission lines caused by both the matrix and the rare earths further adds to the complexity. This can only be mastered by high spectral resolution. 

The PlasmaQuant 9100 Elite OES high-resolution array ICP-OES combined with a powerful software routine, CSI (Correction of Spectral Interferences), is able to separate the spectral interferences of REE as well as line-rich matrices from the actual analyte signal. With its Echelle dual monochromator and versatile CCD detection, it nearly doubles spectral resolution while cutting total analysis time in half compared to currently available ICP-OES instruments with PMT detection used exclusively for REE analysis.

Interference-free REE trace analysis using high-resolution ICP-MS.

ICP-MS is a popular analytical technique for trace analysis of REEs in raw materials such as soils, rocks and ores to impurities in highly refined rare earth products. The technique provides rapid multi-element detection of REEs in concentrations down to the ppq (parts per quadrillion) range.

However, rare earth measurements often encounter polyatomic and isobaric interferences that cannot be resolved by quadrupole ICP-MS. An effective interference management system to eliminate polyatomic interferences, without the traditional mathematical correction, is therefore essential.

In a study using the PlasmaQuant MS Elite to determine REE content in five geological reference materials (rock, sediment, shale, basalt, and cement), a successful analysis was performed with polyatomic interference removed. Here, the integrated collision reaction cell (iCRC) effectively removes polyatomic interferences and enables accurate and precise measurement of REEs without predefined correction equations. At the same time, the high sensitivity allows very low detection limits in the range of ng/kg to µg/kg to be routinely achieved.

Thus, the PlasmaQuant MS Elite enables the realization of particularly suitable methods for the determination of REE concentrations in various geologically certified reference materials. 


With the high-resolution spectrometer of the PlasmaQuant 9100 Elite and the highly effective interference management of the PlasmaQuant MS Elite, rare earths can be quantified particularly interference-free and thus reliably. Due to their high sensitivity and low detection limits, they cover the complete concentration range and convince with their precision.


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