Our Planet. Our Priority. Solutions for Environmental Analysis

Our devices and applications help you to process high sample volumes reliably and quickly in accordance with important standards and regulations. We offer application-oriented system solutions, optimized methods, and comprehensive service and application support for our products.

Water Analysis

With specific measuring routines, our devices support you in ensuring a supply of high-quality drinking and process water. Our measurement technology complies with standards and is tailored to your customer-specific applications.


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Wastewater Analysis for Chemical Parameters

We help you to generate fast measurement results in accordance with environmental legislation. Increase the efficiency of your lab work even with wastewater samples containing high particle contents.


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Analysis of Solid Matrices

We offer instruments and methods for fast and reliable assessment of solid samples such as soil, sludge or waste. Our robust analytical instruments, which work in accordance with standardized methods, save you time and effort in the laboratory. 


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Air Pollution Control

Air pollution is a great risk to health and the environment. Our analyzers help you to efficiently control emissions to further define process steps and meet air quality standards.


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Waste Analysis

We equip you with efficient technologies and methods for a standard compliant declaration analysis of various sample types along the waste recovery cycle such as construction waste, sludges, chemicals, metals, and many more.


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Exclusive e-book: Water and wastewater analysis

Our exclusive e-book offers a comprehensive overview of methods and solutions for water and wasterwater monitoring - from UV/Vis spectroscopy, sum parameter analysis to elemental analysis and microbiological testing.


Web seminar: Environmental analysis and monitoring

Discover how you can simplify TOC/TNb environmental analysis by applying modern TOC/TNb analytical solutions. Besides TOC and TNb solutions Analytik Jena is highlighting a variety of other practical solutions for different environmental analysis tasks.

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Solutions at a glance

Method DeviceSpecial Features
AOXmulti X 2500
  • Full method and configuration flexibility for AOX, EOX, and POX
  • Highest automation degree for AOX column method
  • Direct charcoal feeding
APU 28 (sample preparation)
  • Suitable for various AOX columns
  • Double channel operation
  • Fastest (SPE-)AOX preparation system on the market
APU sim (sample preparation)
  • High throughput, up to six samples simultaneously
  • Suitable for various AOX columns and SPE sample preparation
AFU 3 (sample preparation)
  • Up to three samples simultaneously by batch method
  • Ideally suited for highly particle-loaded water and sludge samples
TOC/TNbmulti N/C 3300
  • Wide-range TOC/TNb analyzer
  • Automatic loop injection with intelligent rinsing
  • High throughput (parallel purge and inject)
multi N/C 2300
  • Septum-free direct injection
  • Very robust particle handling
  • Small footprint
TOCmulti N/C 4300 UV
  • High sensitivity
  • Suited to difficult matrices
  • Minimal running costs
mulit EA 4000 (multi EA 5100)
  • Fully automated solids TOC analysis
  • Pyrolysis function enables EC (RC, BOC) analysis
  • Upgradeable for TS and TX determination
  • High accuracy especially for low concentrations
  • Wide range of accessories including additional cuvette position for turbid samples
AAScontrAA 800
  • Fast sequential and even simultaneous analysis with optimum detection limits
  • High flexibility with one lamp covering the entire elemental range of AAS
  • Molecule absorption detectable MAS (non-metals like fluorine)
ZEEnit series
  • High matrix tolerance, Zeeman background correction
  • Application flexibility with One + One atomizer compartment
novAA 800
  • Intelligent autosampler (overrange dilution, method of addition)
  • Flexible use due to dual atomizer concept
CV-AAS, HG-AASAAS + hydride system
  • Low detection limits
ICP-MSPlasmaQuant MS
  • Fast multi-element analysis, suitable for all matrices
  • High sensitivity for lowest detection limits
  • Lowest gas consumption on the market
ICP-OESPlasmaQuant 9100
  • Easy torch handling, high degree of automation, and preparation accessories
  • Dual view (axial, radial) enables wide concentration measurement range
  • Unique resolving power with high-resolution optics
DigestionMicrowave digestion
  • Intelligent design for straightforward operation and safety (Self Check System)
  • High sample throughput
Nucleic acid extraction and detectionCyBio FeliX
qTOWER family
  • Highly precise pipetting technology for automated nucleic acid extraction
  • Real-time PCR for standard and automated workflows


Outstanding service and support offerings

We offer not only device installation and analytical functionality review services for our produces, but also comprehensive advice, methodology development, and targeted training by our application specialists to help you meet your particular analytical requirements.. As every minute counts in a service case, our comprehensive network ensures quick reaction times and rapid solutions. Whether for repairs, replacement parts, or consumables, our service personnel will process your requests quickly.

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Industry Brochure Environment (EN) – Solutions for Environmental Analysis – Our Planet. Our Priority.

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Our Planet. Our Priority.

Humankind has always had an ambivalent relationship towards environment: We need it, and yet we exploit it. We love it, and at the same time, we face the task of reconciling this with a modern, resource-intensive lifestyle. As living standards and population grow, this problem intensifies.

Take for example water: More and more people with ever increasing standards of living are polluting more and more amounts of water while, simultaneously, the need for fresh, clean drinking water grows. We develop resistant materials - many of which nature alone cannot degrade. We fertilize soil for better yields; yet on the other hand we pollute the grounds and thus indirectly our food.

And finally, our huge energy demand leads to high greenhouse gas emissions and thus to global warming and other negative consequences: All this harms nature, destroys ecosystems, and reduces biodiversity – and by that also threatens our health.

Precise technology in environmental analysis for more accurate data and better response

We leave many fatal footprints to address this issue and to better protect our environment and our future, we need precise knowledge about how we are harming our environment.

As a branch of chemical analysis, environmental analysis or environmental monitoring is used for the qualitative and quantitative examination of substances in ambient and indoor air, soil and water or wastewater. Certainly, even the earliest humans took a close look at their environment for safety and health reasons. The first verifiable chemical analysis was dated back to the end of the 18th century, when Berlin chemist Andreas Sigismund Marggraf examined water for a wide variety of substances. He was later followed by the Englishman Robert Angus Smith, who made a comprehensive rainwater analysis.

Today, many analysis instruments and methods are available for environmental monitoring. Thanks to technological advances, their accuracy is constantly increasing while detection limits are lowered.

For environmental monitoring, the substances to be analyzed are separated using gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, or ion chromatographs. Often, samples have to be enriched to increase the relative amount of the substance to be analyzed. Partially, solids need to be extracted with a solvent first. Gaseous samples may only be analyzed after liquid introduction. Additionally, it is often necessary to remove unwanted elements by purification before you can carry out the actual analysis.

Methods such as mass spectrometry, UV/VIS spectroscopy, or atomic absorption spectrometry, are used for the analysis. They help you to determine either individual substances or sum parameters  – depending on the reason for environmental testing, often according to state regulations.

The individual substances analyzed for environmental monitoring include:

  • heavy metals such as mercury
  • pesticides
  • biphenyls
  • dioxins
  • mineral oil hydrocarbons
  • sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides
  • greenhouse gases
  • ozone
  • particulate matter

In environmental analysis, also sum parameters are often determined. They combine one or more groups of substances. This makes it relatively easy to record and report pollutants as a compound, such as

  • chemical oxygen demand (COD),
  • adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOX),
  • total organic carbon (TOC),
  • polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)

Environmental monitoring with solutions by Analytik Jena

Since its founding over 30 years ago, Analytik Jena has, focused on the development and manufacture of products for the precise determination of various environmental analytical parameters in water, air and soil, and in our waste products. As a result of these many years of experience, Analytik Jena offers high-precision environmental analyzers, equipment, and solutions for almost any application. Proven methods that are continuously optimized  – and thus often state-of-the-art in their field of application.

Technology trusted by environmental analysis experts

Laboratory managers and their staff, scientists in environmental monitoring, and operators in private companies such as sewage treatment plants, drinking water suppliers, direct dischargers, waste disposal sites, and recyclers or contract laboratories as well as in governmental test laboratories for environmental monitoring: They all rely on technology developed and provided by Analytik Jena. We support our many customers with expertise and cutting-edge devices for environmental analysis and monitoring.

The environment and its protection are important to us as a company – “Our Planet. Our Priority” is our guiding principle in environmental analysis. This is reflected in our wide portfolio of environmental analyzers and corresponding consumables – provided with comprehensive technological expertise, many years of experience, and first-class service.
