Indo-American Hybrid Seeds – Quality DNA with Less Turnaround Time
Wed 20 Jul, 2022
- Low precision and slow speed while doing manual pipetting
- CyBio SELMA for genotyping assays with high precision and high speed
- Semi-automatic 96- or 384-fold pipettor with minimal required space
- Simple and intuitive handling with touch screen
- Error-free and reproducible results due to 96 or 384 parallel pistons and proven tip sealing principle
- Easy and fast tip changing with ready to use CyBio TipTrays
- An open design allows the use of external devices like shaker, vacuum chamber, or heating adapters
Quality DNA with Less Turnaround Time Bangalore-based hybrid seeds producing company Indo-American Hybrid Seeds (India) Pvt. Ltd relies on liquid handling & automation systems by Analytik Jena India.
Working with Indo-American Hybrid Seeds (IAHS)
Indo-American Hybrid Seeds required an automated solution for DNA extraction and dispensing. Analytik Jena’s CyBio SELMA was commissioned to meet these needs. CyBio SELMA offered a precise and semi-automatic pipettor with 96 or 384 pipetting channels for easy and fast filling of 96- and 384-well microplates, not using a computer, but a smart and intuitive touch screen panel. “We are getting good quality DNA from heterogenous quality plant samples, due to which there are no dropouts in PCR results”, explained Dr. Devaraja Achar, Head of Biotechnology at Indo-American Hybrid Seeds (India) Pvt. Ltd. “Our Biotechnology Department predominantly works on marker assisted backcross breeding to introgress desirable genes into elite breeding lines. We also carry out DNA fingerprinting of high value hybrid seeds to detect inbreeds, varietal trueness and for the identification of heterotic lines. With the latest technology and equipment, the Biotechnology Department supports our R&D wing, together fulfilling the IAHS promise of quality,“ explained Dr. Devaraja Achar. "The Biotechnology Laboratory of IAHS is recognized by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science & Technology, and the Government of India.”
The story behind
"As plants are very heterogenous and contain many different metabolites like polyphenols, polysaccharides, or acidic components, the CyBio SELMA 96/250 μL automates the process for plant genomic DNA extraction. The use of a 96-well pipetting head enables a rapid automated procedure while maintaining the purification technology’s highly reliable performance. The result is good yields (1-8 μg species function) of highly purified DNA (A260/280 > 1.8)", says Dr. Achar.
The CyBio SELMA 96/250 μL is a semi-automatic parallel pipettor working fast, precisely, and in a highly reproductive manner. "Since pipetting to 96 wells simultaneously is advantageous for us to use with any plant kit, the CyBio SELMA by Analytik Jena was evaluated for its ability to speed up the plate processing compared to using an 8-tip manual pipettor."
Why Analytik Jena was chosen
Indo-American Hybrid Seeds‘ special requests refer to the particularly wide range of heterogenous quality plant samples. "We are using the CyBio SELMA for a great variety of samples, and we can confirm consistently high isolation rates of DNA. The device has proven to be robust, even in continuous operation. Since we put it in practice, we have hardly ever used manual methods", said the Head of Biotechnology at Indo-American Hybrid Seeds (India) Pvt. Ltd. Dr. Achar also appreciates the compact and elaborate design of the instrument, using just a minimal amount of space on the lab bench. CyBio SELMA has shown to be a lowmaintenance, highly reliable robotic 96 channel pipetting robot, that can also prepare 384-well PCR plates using a specially available adaptor.
Dr. Achar's company has opted for CyBio SELMA for two main reasons: "First, the high precision and speed of the instrument, and second, it is a high-quality product at an affordable price."
About Indo-American Hybrid Seeds
Indo-American Hybrid Seeds is one of India's hybrid seed producing companies. The company is based in Bangalore. Indo- American hybrid seeds are available under the brand name of INDAM. The company is mainly involved in the development and production of hybrid seeds of vegetables, flowering plants, field crops, and the production of ornamental plants. Indo American Hybrid seeds has India’s first ISTA-accredited seed testing laboratory, authorized to issue Orange International Seed Lot Certificates and Blue International Seed Sample Certificates to both public and private seed companies in India since October, 2002.
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